Monday 19 July 2010

Good Practise

Warwickshire County Council have a lot of information about Mineral Safeguarding at the following link:

Contact me if you want to come together to challenge the 'Areas of Search for Minerals' in the Local Plan 2010

Letter to Piers Blaxter

Hi again

Here is the text of a letter to Piers Blaxter sent this morning -

Dear Mr Blaxter

I have received your letters ref 2010/0086313 and the letter dated 16 July regarding Areas of Search for Minerals. As my property is located within seach area 49 I have great interest in understanding the justification for designating this as an area of sand and gravel reserves, as well as the other 70 areas across Aberdeenshire.

You state in your letter of 16 July that the 71 areas listed have been identified on the basis of the geology. Therefore I request the following information to help me understand the process which has been followed to designate these areas:
1. Details of the geological information used.
2. Any other considerations (non geological) in the designation of areas.
3. The report and any relevant discussions upon which the designation of these areas was based.
4. Details of the community discussions during preparation of the development plan 'to identify community sensitivity and look to overcome difficulties' - SPP4.

This additional infomation is necessary to enable me to repond to the Local Development Plan 2010. I would prefer it in electronic format but alternatively I would be prepared to review it at Woodhill House.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sunday 18 July 2010

To all Aberdeenshire residents who have received notification that you are in a minerals search area - let's come together to campaign against this threat to our environment.

I will post more thoughts over the next few days but as a start -

Read Policy 14 - 'large and intrusive developments' and 'communities elsewhere....reassurance'
Effect on our property value even if we don't get developments in our area
How did they define the 71 areas - seems rather random. What is the geological basis and is this the only reason for these areas?
Why was there no consultation before publication?
Already has caused a lot of upset with the letters from Piers Blaxter